Naomi Schor Memorial Award

The Naomi Schor Memorial award is given to the best essay by a graduate student giving a presentation at the annual Nineteenth-Century French Studies Colloquium. Note that submissions are limited to 3,000 words excluding notes and bibliography, previous Schor award winners may not submit, and submission implies the presenter will attend the colloquium banquet where the prize will be awarded.

Submissions are anonymized and read by a panel of composed of six senior scholars in the field. Panels are made up such that they will not include judges whose students or former students have submitted papers for consideration. If you would like more information about the process or if you would like to volunteer to serve as a reader for these awards, please contact Susan McCready (

For award recipients who choose to develop their conference paper into a suitable article-length study, the journal Nineteenth-Century French Studies will forego its first round of internal evaluation and will send the work out for blind review. Information about submissions to NCFS is available here.

Submissions are due Sep. 1 and should be sent as an email attachment to Susan McCready ( MS Word document, double spacing throughout, footnotes (no endnotes), include name in email only (not in the document).

You may view the list of past award recipients by clicking here.

People wishing to make a contribution to this award should send a check made out to “Nineteenth-Century French Studies Association” and mail it to:

Professor Sara Phenix
3134 JFSB
Brigham Young University
Provo, UT 84602