NCFS Unbound


A series of virtual book dialogues

Fall 2024

Friday, October 18, 2:30 pm Eastern
Kaleidophonic Modernity: Transatlantic Sound, Technology, and Literature 
Brett Brehm in conversation with Renée Altergott

Friday, November 22, 2:30 pm Eastern
Complicity in Fin-de-siècle Literature
Helen Craske in conversation with Hannah Frydman

Spring 2025

Friday, January 31, 2:30 pm Eastern
Naturalism’s Imaginary Museum, French Art, and the Eclectic Nineteenth Century 
Sara Pappas in conversation with Keri Yousif

Friday, February 28, 2:30 pm Eastern
Balzac on the Barricades: The Literary Origins of an Economic Revolution 
Rebecca Powers in conversation with Anne O’Neil-Henry

Friday, March 21, 2:30 pm Eastern
Hustlers in the Ivory Tower: Press and Modernism from Mallarmé to Proust
Max McGuinness in conversation with Colin Foss

Friday, April 4, 2:30 pm Eastern
Mary Cassatt Between Paris and New York: The Making of a Transatlantic Legacy
Ruth E. Iskin in conversation with Vanessa Schwartz

Friday, May 16, 2:30 pm Eastern
The First and Last King of Haiti: The Rise and Fall of Henry Christophe
Marlene Daut in conversation with Gregory Pierrot



Fall 2023

Friday, October 13, 2PM Eastern
Perfume on the Page in Nineteenth-Century France
Cheryl Krueger in conversation with Holly Dugan

Friday, December 1, 2PM Eastern
The Crimean War and Cultural Memory: The War France Won and Forgot
Sima Godfrey in conversation with Judith Miller

Spring 2024

Friday, January 19, 2PM Eastern
Behind the Seams: Women, Fashion, and Work in 19th-Century France
Susan Hiner in conversation with Heidi Brevik-Zender

Friday, February 16, 2PM Eastern
Sex Work, Text Work: Mapping Prostitution in the Nineteenth-Century Novel
Jessica Tanner in conversation with Colin Foss

Friday, March 22, 2PM Eastern
Fanfare for a City: Music and the Urban Imagination in Haussmann’s Paris
Jacek Blaszkiewicz in conversation with Masha Belenky

Friday, April 5, 2PM Eastern
The Harlequin Eaters: From Food Scraps to Modernism in Nineteenth-Century France
Janet Beizer in conversation with Marni Kessler

Friday, April 26, 2PM Eastern
Velocipedomania: A Cultural History of the Velocipede in France
Corry Cropper and Seth Whidden in conversation with Elizabeth Emery

Friday, May 10, 2PM Eastern
Alfred Dreyfus: The Man at the Center of the Affair
Maurice Samuels in conversation with Susan Suleiman


Friday, February 10, 2PM Eastern
Literary Geographies in Balzac and Proust
Melanie Conroy in conversation with Anne O’Neil Henry

Friday, Marcy 10, 2PM Eastern
Marianne Meets the Mormons: Representations of Mormonism in Nineteenth-Century France
Heather Belnap, Corry Cropper, and Daryl Lee in conversation with Andrea Goulet

Friday, April 28, 2PM Eastern
The Italian Invert: A Gay Man’s Intimate Confessions to Émile Zola
Michael Rosenfeld, William Peniston, and Clive Thomson in conversation with Brian Martin

Thursday, May 11, 2PM Eastern
Resurrecting Jane de la Vaudère, Literary Shapeshifter of the Belle Époque
Sharon Larson in conversation with Margot Irvine

FALL 2022

Thursday, September 15, 1PM Eastern
Reading Baudelaire’s Le Spleen de Paris and the Prose Poem
Seth Whidden in conversation with Catherine Witt

Friday, October 14, 2PM Eastern
Mother’s Milk and Male Fantasy in Nineteenth-Century French Narrative
Lisa Algazi Marcus in conversation with Mary Jane Cowles

Friday, December 16, 2PM Eastern
French Decadence in a Global Context
Julia Hartley, Wanrug Suwanwattana, and Jennifer Yee in conversation with Elizabeth Emery


Women, Citizenship, and Sexuality: The Transnational Lives of Renée Vivien, Romaine Brooks, and Natalie Barney
Melanie Hawthorne in conversation with Gretchen Schultz

Unmaking Sex: The Gender Outlaws of Nineteenth-Century France
Anne Linton in conversation with Rachel Mesch

Literary Slumming: Slang and Class in Nineteenth-Century France
Eliza Jane Smith in conversation with Carolyn Betensky

FALL 2021

Mormons in Paris: Polygamy on the French Stage 1874–1892
Corry Cropper and Christopher Flood in conversation with Susan McCready

Precarious Partners: Horses and their Humans in Nineteenth-Century France
Kari Weil in conversation with Cheryl Krueger

The History of French Literature on Film
Kate Griffiths and Andrew Watts in conversation with Susan Harrow